Class 1/2 Ash - Mrs Ashbourne
World Book Day - March 2016
Beatrix Potter
KS1 have an animal theme this term. As part of this, Lottie brought in a cute little budgie to show called Snow. Ash class asked questions and Lottie and her mum answered them.
Christmas is coming!
A perfect rainbow at playtime!
Children in Need 2015 - Superhero Day
Ash class wrote letters and send pictures to the Queen and this week we received this special delivery!
Remembrance in Class Ash
KS1 trip to Legoland
We have just returned from our Legoland trip and have had an amazing day!
All the children were extremely well behaved and were busy exploring and making all day long. We saw how Lego is made before attending a racing car workshop where were learnt about aerodynamics and the design of racing cars. Each child designed their own car and then raced them on the track.
Our grand winner was Harriet – Well Done!
We then watched an enthralling 4D Lego movie complete with wind, water and snow!
The rest of the day was spent enjoying the rest of the Lego attractions before heading home very happy.
Sorting Shapes using Venn diagrams - Numeracy
Ash class year 2 children have been using our programmable toys ‘Probots’. They have been inputting data to move the vehicles around a swamp without falling into the volcano!
Artwork - Preparation for this year's hall display!
The Queen's Reign Celebration
Settling in to our new classroom!
Materials and their Properties - Science